Episode 001- How Did We Get Here?

The Breadcrumb Adventure
The Breadcrumb Adventure
Episode 001- How Did We Get Here?

In our first full-length episode we introduce ourselves and talk about what got us started on this missional family adventure.

Show notes:

  • Disciple Parenting: Ben’s Youtube Channel
  • Disciple Mama: Brianna’s Christian parenting blog
  • Michael Frost: Find more information on Michael Frost on his website- mikefrost.net
  • 5 Habits of Highly Missional People: You can buy the book by Michael Frost (under the title Surprise the World) here. It’s also available as a free PDF download here.
  • Exponential.org is a nondenominational resource for finding information about multiplying disciples and faith communities. We like their free ebook section.
  • Spiritually Vibrant Households: Here’s a brief summary from Barna Research about their findings on spiritually vibrant households
  • Mission Lab podcast: Available here on Apple Podcasts, but you can find it wherever you like to grab your podcasts.
  • The priesthood of believers: Our proclamation and practice, by Mxolisi Michael Sokupa at Ministry Magazine
  • Music: “Ditty” by Duncan Pittock and Mark Johns

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